“Remove justice and what are states but gangs of bandits on a large scale? And what are bandit gangs but kingdoms in miniature?”
― St. Augustine, The City of God
In part i we ended with a question regarding the intent of those proclaimed crusaders for justice, John F Kennedy (JFK) and Robert Kennedy (RFK).
Were these two crusaders genuine White Knights, quixotic White Knights talking backwards, White Knights disguised as Black Knights or even Black Knights disguised as White Knights?
In January 1961 RFK was appointed attorney general, representing US law and offering advice to his recently inaugurated brother. He immediately began retrofitting and expanding the Organized Crime Section
“(W)hen I became attorney general I proceeded on the basis that there was such a thing as organized crime. And they (the FBI) started investigating it. … And they went to work on it. They had 10 people (in New York’s FBI office) before 1960; and by 1962 and ’63, they had 140 people. That was the second biggest unit after Communists and Espionage.” RFK
“Organized crime”, the second largest concern of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),after “Communists and Espionage”.
He had been investigating organized crime since 1955, beginning with the infiltration of labour unions to extort money from leaders and members. One year before that the renowned film “On the Waterfront“, portraying a violent mob boss seizing command of a New York longshoremen’s union, had been screened in theatres nationwide.
The results of his investigation and the actions taken in consequence are keys unlocking the mystery of the secret society involved in RFK’s assassination.
Three months later in April 1961, his brother, the President, made his speech at the Waldorf Hotel – “The President and the Press”, as was covered in part i. I raised the question as to whether JFK, when supposedly calling out the Communists as the conspiratorial threat that faced America, may have been playing a double game, obliquely referring to another secret society, in an attempt to not arouse the suspicions of such a group and pass a message onto those both switched on and sympathetic to his cause.
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” JFK
A couple of weeks earlier, the Bay of Pigs invasion had taken place. 1,400 Cuban exiles had attempted to invade the south coast of Cuba in order to overthrow Fidel Castro, who himself had come to power in an armed revolt that overthrew dictator Fulgencio Batista. The US government had no love of Castro and was paranoid regarding his association with Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union.
Prior to taking office, JFK received a briefing regarding a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan devised during the Eisenhower administration. This plan aimed to train Cuban exiles for an invasion of their own country, with the expectation that both the Cuban populace and certain segments of the military would lend their support to the endeavour. The overarching objective was the removal of Castro from power and the installation of a pro-American, non-communist government.
They failed.
The reason they failed and the actions taken in consequence are keys unlocking the mystery of the secret society involved in JFK’s assassination.
Communists and Espionage
The Kennedy brothers are often painted as ardent Cold Warriors and so they were in the early days of the Red Scare, but only in the early days.
After graduating from law school in 1951, RFK travelled with his brother, then a Congressman, to the Middle and Far East. While in Saigon they visited Edmund Gullion, a respected State Department diplomat, asking him whether France could win its war to re-colonize Indochina. Gullion told the Kennedy brothers that France could not win, since Ho Chi Minh had inspired the Viet Minh to fight until death, rather than return under colonialism’s yoke. This conversation had a profound effect on both JFK and RFK. Upon his return, JFK challenged both parties’ positions on battling Communism in the third world.
As RFK would later write in a 1956 article for The New York Times Magazine:
“. . .because we think that the uppermost thought in all people’s minds is communism….We are still too often doing too little too late to recognize and assist the irresistible movements for independence that are sweeping one dependent territory after another.”
It seems that the Kennedy brothers recognized the difference between Communism – centralized State Socialism, and movements for independence. These two were conflated together by the Western powers in order to justify re-colonization, neo-colonialism, and empire building. Indeed, how could true Americans not recognize the difference? Their own republic had been a movement for independence, from the British Crown, before Communism had come into existence. The brothers not only recognized but were also willing to assist such movements.
After RFK had successfully managed his brother’s Senate campaign, Joseph Kennedy – “Old Joe”, his multi-millionaire and philanthropist father, smoothed the way for him onto the panel of his good friend Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1953. McCarthyism, a form of induced Mass Formation Psychosis leading to the repression and persecution of left-wing individuals, had permeated every echelon of American society. Commies were under everyone’s bed. RFK quickly saw through all this and resigned from McCarthy’s committee after only six months. He had not accused any individuals of being traitors.
In 1955, after McCarthy had been disgraced and removed, RFK was offered the role of Chief Counsel. Labour Unions had seen a decrease in membership and some completely destroyed during the Red Scare because they were accused of being Communist. Indeed, this had been one of the intentions. This time RFK looked into the actual secret society that had been undermining them from within.
Organized Crime
The questions he was asking were unwelcome ones for the FBI and particularly for its head J. Edgar Hoover – also a close friend of Old Joe’s. He was in full denial as to the existence of a National Crime Syndicate. Instead, he directed most of the FBI’s work towards investigating alleged Communist conspiracies in the US. However, RFK discovered that the Bureau of Narcotics was aware of the extensive history of organized crime’s involvement in drug trafficking. Angelo Zurlo and Joseph Amato, two agents from the Narcotics Bureau in New York, informed RFK about the “Sicilian” origins of American organized crime and subsequently connected him with other narcotics investigators.
It’s worth stepping back at this point and widening one’s gaze.
What is a syndicate?
A syndicate is a self-organizing group of individuals, companies, corporations, or entities formed to transact some specific business, to pursue or promote a shared interest.
As we have seen in parts 5, 6, 7, and 8, a self-organizing group is a societal morphic field, a super-organism analogous to a hive of bees.
A crime syndicate is thus a self-organizing societal morphic field formed to pursue criminal activities on a large scale. Such activities include, but are not limited to, robbery, smuggling, black market trading, gambling racketeering, drug-trafficking, labour racketeering, arms-trafficking, human-trafficking, slavery, prostitution, loan-sharking, protection racketeering, blackmail, bribery, extortion, violent assault, murder, arson, sabotage and terrorism. Higher level financial crimes include, but are not limited to, money laundering, counterfeiting, tax evasion, insurance fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, market manipulation, cronyism, nepotism, and today’s cyber-warfare and internet fraud.
A super-organism but sociopathic and psychopathic in nature, one more analogous to a swarm of parasitoid wasps.
But did the American crime syndicate originate in Sicily?
Their Thing
The “Mafia” is amongst the most notorious of such societies. The term itself, though now used for all organized crime syndicates, did indeed originate in Sicily. To distinguish the Sicilian gangsters who referred to their own society as “Cosa Nostra” (“Our Thing”) we use the term “Sicilian Mafia”. Although the image we are presented with, where the Sicilian Mafia encompasses nearly all organized crime, is a false one, these infamous, Deep-State-sponsored Black Knights serve as a useful model, a microcosm of the macrocosm that is transnational organized crime.
Cosa Nostra is said to have arisen in 1812, amongst the turmoil of Sicily’s transition from feudalism. There was a lack of an effective government police and many desperate, starving peasants were forced into banditry which became a serious problem. With no police, local elites in countryside towns recruited young men into “companies at arms” to hunt down thieves and return stolen property for a fee. This “protection racket” is seen as the genesis of the “Mafia”. The companies-at-arms were often made up of former bandits following the philosophy of “setting a thief to catch a thief”. The members often colluded with their former brethren rather than destroy them, even to the extent of swearing to a quasi-masonic code of honour. These brigands were made up of a mixture of people – nobles, former soldiers of the Bourbon army and peasants. A hierarchy of Deep-State Sponsored Black Knights and Black Pawns masking their identities and those of their lieges.
Their ambiguous nature is shown in the way they took the form of organized resistance groups such as when the country was invaded by the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1861. However, they also devolved to engage in the criminal activities described above. An early and classic example is how they muscled in on the local citrus fruit industry by infiltrating members into lemon and lime groves as stewards, then stripping them of their assets and running them into the ground so their bosses could buy them up on the cheap.
This a model of activity analogous to the way the parasitoid wasp injects alien mRNAs along with its eggs into the host caterpillar. These alien mRNAs then become transcribed into the caterpillar’s genome that codes for the proteins and behavioural patterns that transform it into a zombie host that actually protects the parasitoid larvae once they have eaten their way out from the inside.
In the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, waves of Italian immigrants found their way into the United States, particularly New York, New Orleans, and Chicago. Many of these were from Sicily as well as other regions of Southern Italy. Among them were members of the Italian Mafia, which consisted of Cosa Nostra – the Sicilian Mafia, but also those of other Italian criminal societies such as the Ndrangheta and the Camorra. These groups, along with independent gangs of Italian American criminals, eventually merged to form the pan-Italian American Mafia or the Italian Mob for short.
Paddy’s Thing
But they weren’t the first mobsters in America. Just as the Irish had preceded the Italians, being part of the first migratory wave in the early 19th Century, so had the Irish Mob preceded the Italian Mob. Yes, it’s not an exclusive Sicilian thing. Crime syndicates have existed all over the world throughout history. Originating in Irish-American street gangs and rebellious immigrants from the home country, they eventually amalgamated into an organized crime syndicate operating in such areas as Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Cleveland, and Chicago. The fictional criminal mastermind Professor James Moriarty, consulting for London gangs with associates such as Sebastian Moran and Paddy Flynn alludes to the Irish mob.
Even a street gang has a level of self-organization and is thus a morphic field. Rupert Sheldrake proposes that we view entire societies and social groups as governed by morphic fields, which assemble and disband as teams, bands, crowds and so forth. Societal fields exhibit greater permanence, enveloping us continuously: whether in familial, national, or community contexts, as well as within the collective fields of diverse groups we associate with.
It’s interesting that the term “mob” is ascribed to crime syndicates. In its general use, mob implies a disorderly crowd with the potential for violence. Police refer to “mob rule”, where there is a difference between a group of people protesting and a mob. There’s a dividing line, once you cross that line, that mob is a whole different beast. Writing in the 20th century, Elias Canetti viewed the crowd as a monstrous and destructive creature with a life of its own. He wrote that genuine crowds, as opposed to random groups of people coinciding in time and space, developed around a focal point he called a crowd crystal. This crystal grows like a nebulous entity, feeding on people, absorbing their separate identities, names, economic and social status until they merge into a new being. Concerted action moves across this super-organism like the waves of nervous discharge in a jellyfish. This creature exists for as long as its invisible goal is unattained. It may be a short-term goal such as a lynch-mob killing or the destruction of several buildings, or it may be a long-term vision like the crusaders taking Jerusalem. The long-term vision of a criminal gang or crime syndicate is to obtain wealth and power at the expense of others by any and all means necessary.
Crime mobs epitomize the Hobbesian vision of the great biblical monster – Leviathan which Thomas Hobbes writing in the 17th century, used as an analogy for society, with the sovereign as the head. Hobbes depicted the natural condition of mankind “the state of nature” as inherently violent and permeated with fear. In his view, the only thing that holds the Leviathan together and prevents it devolving into constant warfare of “everyman against everyman” is the social contract, enforced by the sovereign power and its attendant ruling class. What holds crime syndicates together? They have their own social contracts, unwritten rules that act to impose a perverted form of order – “honour amongst thieves”. They also exhibit a certain degree of inherent “coherence” and so, in a distorted fashion, like cancerous cells, can be described as “self-organizing quantum coherent systems” in Mae Wan Ho’s concept of “quantum coherence”.
Neither does a crime syndicate exist in a vacuum. It dwells within greater societal fields and interacts with other societal fields. It can be in conflict with other, competing crime syndicates, police forces and state militias. Its primary modus operandi is a predatory and parasitic interaction with its victims – individuals within the locality it operates in, vulnerable businesses, unions and so on. In order to survive however, it needs allies. Mob associates are not formal members but are connected to the activities the mob carries out. Such individuals include police officers, lawyers, judges, accountants, business owners, bankers, and politicians.
The Irish mob serves as a useful example to illustrate the form. One of the many Irish-American street gangs was the “Dead Rabbits” operating in Lower Manhattan from the 1830s to 1850s. Their main activities seem to have been street-fighting and rioting but they also supported the Tammany Hall machine of the Democratic Party and allied, corrupt politicians. Their “campaigning” involved acting as enforcers to violently persuade voters to vote for their candidates. Leaders of the gang, colourful psychopaths such as Isaiah Rynders, businessman, gambler, pistol and knife fighter, sportsman and political boss, lead them in this endeavour. The term “political boss” means that he was responsible for “vote farming” for mob associated politicians rather than holding such a position himself. His protégé however, John Morrisey (Old Smoke), was an Irish-American bare knuckle boxing champion, owner of several gambling houses and a politician, as well as leader of the gang. The line between mob members and mob associates is blurred, crime syndicates depending on the sponsorship of businessmen and politicians in order to survive.
Thus far, the reader may have been making the assumption that corruption begins below amongst the poor and dispossessed and crime syndicates grow from criminal street gangs or bandits in the countryside and then infiltrate upper levels of society. We shall see in due course that this is not the true picture, or at least is not the full story.
Paddy Whacked
The various Irish-American street gangs enjoyed a monopoly in the New York Underworld until the 1880s when they faced competition from gangs consisting of recently arrived Italians and Jews. Of course, they also faced competition from each other, and like the other ethnic mobs, spent most of their energies preying on their own people. The Five Points gang rose to prominence in the early 1900s and seemed to have started off primarily of Irish-American ethnicity but soon came to be dominated by Italian and Jewish Americans. It was founded by Paul Kelly, a former boxer who was actually an Italian – Paolo Antonio Vaccarelli, who gave himself an Irish sounding name to get ahead in the Underworld. The gang included multi-ethnic and notorious mobsters such as Johnny Torrio, Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky and Frankie Yale. It also had allies in Tammany Hall and supported corrupt politicians by threatening voters.
It is of supreme irony that “Old Joe” himself – Joseph Kennedy, was born into the Irish mob. His father P. J. Kennedy was a mobster of late 19th century Boston. He bought his way into the corrupt Democratic Party machine and went into the wholesale liquor business. He still had control, however, of the local hoodlums – the McGuire gang. Young Joe’s mother saw that his father could never enter the circles of the high Irish society of Boston, let alone the elite Boston Brahmins, who ran opium smuggling in the US. So, she married him into the Fitzgerald family. Joe had had a hard time at Harvard due to his seedy origins but he graduated and went to work for an Investment house with ties to the Rothschilds. Here he made his first contact with British aristocrats. However, Joe also had dealings with the Underworld, particularly the illegal distribution of alcohol.
When Prohibition came into effect in 1920, organized crime had arrived at its single most important turning point. A monopoly was effectively granted to criminals on one of the most lucrative industries in the country. Courtesy of the White Knights talking backwards of the Prohibition movement.
The Irish mob still had their contacts in high places and held a sizeable portion of the bootlegging enterprise. It helped that the police force at that time was predominantly Irish-Catholic, and often in collusion with the Irish mob, their “protection racket” origins mirroring that of Cosa Nostra.
It was this period however, that the Italian Mafia increased in droves due to Mussolini’s purge, this being the second migratory wave, enabling the Italian mob to grow very quickly. The Irish soon noticed them stepping on their toes and war between the two syndicates for control of the liquor market ensued. After Al Capone, the boss of the Italian mob ordered a hit on Dean O’Bannion, the boss of the Irish mob, about 200 gangsters were killed between 1925 and 1929, culminating in the Saint Valentine’s day massacre. By the early 1930’s, the Italian mob had taken over and the Irish had to take a back seat.
This is where we return to the most famous Irish-American mobster family, the Kennedys. Joseph Kennedy, having used his inherited money as a stock-broker to make even more through insider trading in the stock market crash of 1929, made deals with Italian mob boss Al Capone and Irish mob boss – Owney Madden to sell whiskey imported from Canada. This was courtesy of Jewish bootlegger Samuel Bronfman. It has been claimed that during this period, Old Joe fell foul of the Jewish Purple Gang who had ordered a hit on him due to him running his whiskey through Detroit without permission. He used his contacts in Chicago to call off the hit but now owed a debt to Italian-American crime boss Frank Costello. When Costello called in the debt, Joe refused him leading to another contract on him. This time he received help from Chicago crime boss Sam Giancana but with an even greater debt.
Kosher Nostra
The Bronfman gang, were in control of the flow of liquor into the US and had life and death power over US organized crime. Aptly, Bronfman in Yiddish means “liquorman”.
We have so far left out of focus the most powerful yet most unrecognized organized crime syndicate – the Jewish Mob. Likewise, originally made up of Jewish-American street gangs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, competing with the Irish and Italians, it grew with the help of associates – hidden sponsors, into the Jewish Mob, colloquially referred to as the “Kosher Nostra”.
In the 1920’s when the Irish and Italian mobs were at war with each other over the control of liquor, Jewish mob bosses such as Arnold Rothstein were streamlining these gangs into big businesses run like corporations – true organized crime.
Rothstein controlled the distribution side within the US, while the supply side was run out of Canada by the Bronfman family operating from their distillery in Montreal and later the French islands off the Newfoundland coast. The Bronfmans themselves had support from higher echelons as we shall see later in this series of articles.
While the Italian mob controlled about 25% of the bootlegging enterprises, the Jewish mob controlled 50%, with 10% being controlled by the Irish mob. This is not to say that they were not involved in the industry of violence, far from it, only they knew how to pick their fights. They forged links with the Italian mob during this period, perhaps this factor ensuring the Italians’ eventual victory over the Irish. Jewish crime bosses had allies though, that Italians didn’t. They had the most influence in the Hollywood film industry and the largest elements of the News Media. This is why the Italian mafia is front and centre representing organized crime in the public eye and the Jewish mob is less well known.
Together, under the guidance of John Torrio, they merged into a predominantly Jewish and Italian crime syndicate which also comprised to a lesser extent other ethnic criminal organizations such as the Irish Mob and African-American crime groups. This Leviathon was named the “National Crime Syndicate” with its own governing body the ”Commission”. Italian mob leader Lucky Luciano and Jewish mob leader Meyer Lansky, protégé of Rothstein, formed a particularly close partnership. Their enforcement arm “Murder, Inc” composed of Jewish and Italian American gangsters, mostly Jewish-Americans, was one of the most ruthless criminal institutions in America, and that is saying something.
John Barleycorn Goes Legit, Morpheus Steps Up
In 1933, Prohibition was repealed and John Barleycorn was resurrected, although he had never died. National Syndicate money was channeled into legitimate businesses. John Torrio had proposed that the replacement for liquor, as the focus of the black-market, would be narcotics. The same networks established to smuggle liquor would now smuggle and retail narcotics with the same ease, using the legitimate businesses as cover and money laundering nodes. The League of Nations had earlier regulated drug production to meet domestic medical needs only, and so the next monopoly, this time on Morpheus, was given into the arms of organized crime. Back in the 1920’s Rothstein had sent his man Jacob “Yasha” Katzenberg, the “Wandering Jew” to Shanghai. He began negotiations with another secret society – the Chinese Green Gang Syndicate for a smuggling channel from the Far East to the East coast of the US. Like the Jewish mob, the Green Gang also had support and sponsorship from higher echelons as we shall see in later articles. The two principal leaders, Rothstein’s contact man – Huang Chin-jung and Tu Yueh-sheng, would run the factories that flooded the American market with narcotics through Shanghai, Macao and Hong Kong. By 1931 they were producing seven-eighths of the world’s opium. Samuel Bronfman, the head of the Jewish mob and members of his family were elevated by their benefactors to the status of “Zionist Philanthropists.”
Also in 1933, Old Joe had been appointed head of the Securities Exchange Commission by Franklin Roosevelt and then in 1938 he appointed him US Ambassador to Great Britain. Here he made further connections with British Aristocratic families, including pro-Nazis, and was initiated into His Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. He had already arranged for both his sons RFK and JFK to be educated at the London School of Economics , an institution founded by the Fabian Society. These two quasi-masonic societies will be the focus of future articles. JFK did enrol in 1935 but couldn’t begin his studies due to illness.
It was Old Joe’s ambition from early on to build a political dynasty and his wife produced nine children to populate it. He lost his eldest son Joseph Jr to the war and so focused on John and Bobby. When JFK returned from the war, he was informed that his political career would begin. Old Joe pulled strings to get JFK into the White House. He sold his Liquor company in 1946 to the Bronfman controlled Reinfeld Syndicate that he had formed a coalition and maintained dealings with up to this point. He pulled strings to get RFK a job under his friend Joseph McCarthy as we have seen.
And now we return to RFK’s investigations into Organized Crime after he took over from the discredited McCarthy in 1955.
On the Home-front
The gangster film that had screened a year before – “On the Waterfront”, portrayed the Irish mob seizing command of a New York longshoremen’s union. Now, RFK’s two agents from the Narcotics Bureau in New York, Angelo Zurlo and Joseph Amato, informed him about the “Sicilian” origins of American organized crime, a decidedly Italian mob skewed vision of the National Crime Syndicate. RFK went with New York police officers on drug busts from 1955 to 1956 and learned from them. Racketeers were routinely in the media in the mid-50’s. RFK was urged by reporters to investigate labour racketeering.
The particular Labour Union under question was the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters, the nation’s largest.
If the National Crime Syndicate was a sociopathic and psychopathic super-organism analogous to a swarm of parasitoid wasps, the Teamsters union was a giant super-organism analogous to the host caterpillar that the wasps infiltrate. Just as the parasitoid wasp injects alien mRNAs along with its eggs into the host caterpillar, mobsters installed their mob associates into key positions in the Union. Just as the eggs become wasp larvae and the alien mRNAs become transcribed into the caterpillar’s genome that codes for the proteins and behavioural patterns that transform it into a zombie host, so these key mob operatives – in this case Red Knights talking backwards, and the parasitic morphic memes – the standard operating procedures of the mob, compelled the Union to reorient and reconfigure its organizational structure and behaviour towards gratifying the vested interests of those who had infiltrated it. Such procedures included theft of welfare, pension, and other union funds, rigged elections, intimidation, violence and orchestrated picketing and boycotts.
RFK and his top investigator Carmine Bellino travelled to Los Angeles, Seattle and Chicago to interview victims of the extortion tactics and view the accounting books kept by Teamster President Dave Beck. RFK was convinced that Beck was misappropriating money from the 1.5 million members of the Teamsters.
Old Joe was furious when he learned about his son’s intent and blasted him over Christmastime for jeopardizing JFK’s intended run for president by losing the backing of labour unions. In the New Year – 1957, Old Joe would be named as the 12th wealthiest man in America. He enlisted Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas to try to talk RFK out of it, but he stood firm.
Soon after RFK convinced Senator John L. McClellan to investigate union corruption. Nicknamed the Rackets Committee, they began work in 1957. McClellan was chairman and RFK chief counsel. Among the members were Senators John F. Kennedy, Barry Goldwater, and Joseph McCarthy.
They heard testimony exposing 49 mobsters (parasitoid wasps) closely associated with the Teamsters (host caterpillar) and 141 Teamsters officers (wasp larvae) connected to criminal activities (alien mRNA).
What made their endeavour so difficult was that unions were well respected in America at this time and millions of people refused to believe that “Big Labor” could be corrupt. However, Beck was forced to step down in the aftermath of the hearings. McClellan would later state that Beck “carried out with greedy shamelessness a campaign to enrich himself from the (union) treasury, and so neglected his duties that when he left office in disgrace, there were thugs and thieves in position of power”.
Top thief, Beck’s successor, Jimmy Hoffa stepped in.
Hoffa would always paint the Rackets Committee as part of a conspiracy to persecute and “bust” labour unions. The Committee however viewed him as the threat to the US labour movement, declaring that if “Hoffa is successful in combating the combined weight of the U.S. government and public opinion, the cause of decent unionism is lost and labor-management relations in this country will return to the jungle era.”
Later that same year the panel questioned RFK’s friend at the Bureau of Narcotics, agent Joseph Amato.
RFK “Is there any organization such as the Mafia, or is
that just the name given to the hierarchy in the Italian underworld?”
Amato “That is a big question to answer. But we believe that
there does exist today in the United States a society, loosely organized,
for the specific purpose of smuggling narcotics and committing other
crimes in the United States.”
RFK “And that is what you consider the Mafia?”
Amato: “It has its core in Italy and it is nationwide. In fact,
As we have seen, the core most certainly was not exclusively Italian. We shall investigate further as to why it was painted so…
iii: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil